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I think this is my second favorite by him because I think the ending is not weak at least not as weak as his other books, and the book is pet cemetery, this was weird but in a good way, there’s a cat on it, if you don’t know the storyline you’re following a family that moves to a new house and their backyard kind of links to a really weird place where people go to bury their pets and they kind of come back to life.
Things happen afterwards, which obviously no spoiler, things were really interesting, things were really weird and it made me incredibly uncomfortable and just weird out.
Once again the ending was just essentially not weak, which is surprising by him, so yes if I had to choose my two favorite, it would be the long walk and it would be the pet cemetery.
So if you’re looking at the perfect read right now for the winter, I would highly recommend this one, and I think a movie is out already, although I have not watched it yet. 
Now another big book by him technically it was also written by one of his son and that is sleeping beauties, it’s one if his recent book and once again I gave pretty complicated feeling with this one. 
The topic and the premise is very intriguing, basically a disease starts spreading and affecting only women, it outs them in a cocoon or they kind of develop a cocoon around then and if you try to remove 
them from the cocoon, they will attack you, kill you and go back to sleep.
So obviously women are trying to stay awake and there’s a lot of dramas happening and you’re following a bunch of those characters a lot, I believe there’s a list of them at the end of something because it got so much right from the beginning.
Yes because they’re so many like literally pages that you need sometimes to go back and refresh.
So one of the stories you’re following affects women in prison, so you can imagine how dramatic things got, and you’ll meet one of my most hated characters of all time, it has so many characters that it literally drove me mental, but you’ll find one in this book, what’s his name again: Don Peters I think if you want to rage and throw your book across the room then you need to read this book just for him, and when you feel like things got a bit long winded and I always have a hard time explaining this but I felt that it was a bit like. 
And I must I had the pre-posted on the scenes, it’s sometimes a bit much which puts me out if the story a bit, but overall there were again done horrible characters in here and the book was good, not amazing and definitely not one of my favorite but I guess it’s still Stephen King and people would still read it and enjoy it, 
It’s an interesting premise and concept but again the ending was kind of weird for me which I don’t even know why I keep saying that because it’s part of most of my reviews.
But I don’t think it’s a singular opinion, generally speaking his endings are known for not being that great, so I mentioned earlier about two shirt stories,
So the first one is part of a book that I’ve yet to finish but I’ve finished the first start which is rich or something based on short redemption, which was amazing and I’ve obviously watched a movie in the past and I feel like the short story is so close to it. books
That one is pretty much like the other and yes I totally recommend it, I really enjoy it that was one of my favorite books by him. 
And then the other one elevation which you know how I mentioned Rachael singing and all that stuff I was getting that vibe horribly in that one too, and it just felt ingénue.
In this story you’re following an old man whose king of grumpy and his neighbors are actually lasting it’s not really his issues with then but you kind of wonder if it is a little bit and it’s a very books town, but while this is happening the old man is going through something weird it’s more of a fantasy really, 
I think its categorized on good deeds, one reads good choice if words in the horror section which amazed me because I read this category and the premise is interesting by the way basically the old guy is going through something weird and HR keeps losing weight, no matter what he ears GE just keeps losing weight.


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