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The first sequel is before he devil breaks you by Linda bray, finally listened to this audio book, it took me so long to finally get to it, and I’m so glad that I did because being back in the diviners universe was amazing, it made me fall in love with it all over again and I think it’s the final book of crows it’s coming out in early 2020 so now I’m ready for it. 
If you aren’t familiar with the diviners you should definitely read it, it’s sort of a mystery kind of thriller story that is set in the 1970s so you get that full flapper effect and ghost and all sort of creepy things, it’s definitely pretty scary and I have a love scary tolerance but it’s just so good I love all the characters and there’s so much character buy every single one of them I fall in love with and I felt like its equally developed.
And I’m very invested in their stories and I need to know how it’s going to end because I have no clue, in this book definitely did a good job of thickening the plot and getting ready for that final book and the finale of it all. 
I feel like every book has just set the states higher and higher and it’s like who knows what’s going to happen in the end. 
Coming to the next sequel is a book that I’m sure is on a lot if people’s favorite list and for a lot of reasons that us red, white and royal blue by James mcastin, this is a male -male romance about America’s first son who falls in love with Prince Harry of wakes and from enemies to lovers story. 
Generally it isn’t a troop that I’m fond if but in this case, it was so good, thus book was so much more than a romance though it’s a very layered story and you also have politics going on there, there’s a lot of important messages that are related over the course of the story but you do also get that adorable romance, I become invested in the characters without even realizing it and I was just like they snuck the way into my heart and if you haven’t given this book a chance because you’re intimidated by the hype, don’t be it’s totally worth it. 
The next coming in is her Royal highness by Rachel Hawkins, thus is a female female romance that is kind of similar to red white and royal blue honestly but it’s kind if the YA version and we follow mill and she ends up doing what, the only thing you can really do when you’re facing breakup, 
She ends up going to a boarding school where thousands of kilometers away in Scotland, so when she got next to flat boarding school, she was hoping to have an east kind of relaxed but she ends up been removed with princess flora who’s the Princess if Scotland.
And once again we could have had enemies to lovers Story sort of opposite attracts and flora was my favorite characters and I really enjoyed her but the relationship between the two of then, the banter and everything about it was amazing actually this whole ufology is honestly one if my favorites of the year.
Prince Charming is the first book but I decided to include this one on my list because it’s my favorite out if the two and I think the romance in this one is a little bit better but both of them are excellent.
Really if you’re looking for a modern day cute little fairy tale you can check this out, also read red white and royal blue, they’re just so great. 
Now getting to my top books of the Year the next is or the cone up by argue Thomas, she’s the author of the hate you Give came out so strongly and it was an amazing start to her career and knowing the come up was a great follow-up and I was definitely sequel disappointed, it had the sane important messages as the hate you give but it was a little but lighter in a way and it did have a certain amount of heaviness which was very impactful so in this book we’re introduced to brie and she wants to be a rapper, she’s also the daughter of an underground sequel who ended up dying before he could actually made it big and brie has since then just wanted to continue his legacy in his own way so now the stakes are higher than ever because her mum has lost her job so they might be facing eviction.
The rapping elements of this book has just elevated the story and let’s were beautiful, so well done and the family dynamics and the relationship I think are what carried the stories away from me, I loved seeing brie interact with her family in particular it just was so heart warming to see, 
Once again this book deals with an important topic, Rachel profile did and I think it did that very well. 
Now to the next sequel which is Radio silence by Alice oscermon.
This is one of those books that was so hyped up and I didn’t think that I was going to enjoy it as much as everyone else did because it’s kind of generally how my reading year has been seeming to go, but this book was excellent it was very well done and it deals with the topic that I think needs to HR written about more especially in young adult, so anyone who has dealt with academic sequel and the pressure to succeed in general, trying to find their path and not really wanting to go through the path that the society needs that’s out for you, 
This us definitely a book for you, it deals with the idea that you’re suppose to go to school, get goof grades go to a university get a job then you’ll be happy in life but it’s taking about how that might not be the path for everyone and that’s okay.
I just think that’s a message and I didn’t even know was really necessary until I read this book and I was like “why isn’t +at talked about more”
Alice Osman did a fantastic drop of dealing with that topic and it’s something that you’re struggling with definitely pick up thus book I think it would Help.


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